Consulting Services

  • Need a system to execute your program and manage your exposures?

    SSIB has provided project management services to a number of companies looking for a bespoke system to execute their business at affordable prices. Call a representative today to discuss your need and let us provide you with a plan.

  • Need portfolio analysis and cash flow modelling?

    Thinking of setting up a business or a captive. SSIB can project and monitor your budgets & cash flows to ensure things stay on track. SSIB also provides actuarial analysis to all clients ensuring products are priced adequately with transparency on ultimate expected losses.

  • Business who wish to establish an agency or broker

    SSIB has consulted to firms wishing to establish agents and brokers in numerous domiciles. We operate with a network of vendors to ensure you get the right legal advice, compliance advice and can offer oversight during the start-up phase anticipating the hurdles and providing appropriate solutions.

  • Need assistance with sales and marketing?

    SSIB has provided project management and oversight for companies looking to brand, message and generate lead generation. Speak to a representative to discuss your requirements and we will furnish you with an affordable and comprehensive plan to grow your business.